Ryleigh wasn't very confident that the glass could contain the massive lion that was only inches away.

We went as Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
(Yes, there are 3 bears. Ryleigh is holding baby bear.)

Power nap! It is very difficult to keep a tired child awake so they can go right to bed when they get home when it takes 30 minutes to get home.

At the end of the Camp Rainbow Gold zoo party Ryleigh won this dance outfit for our costumes. When we got home she was wide awake and ready to try on her new outfit.

On the 24th we went to a Halloween party at the house of a family at our church. Batman and Spiderman parachuted out of a plane to stop by and greet the kids.

The plane passed back and forth over the field and threw goodies down to the kids!

On the 29th one of the car dealerships near our house hosted a trunk or treat.

Ryleigh got a little freaked out when the hand in the bowl tried to grab her hand as she reached for a piece of candy.

On Halloween I took Ryleigh to go trick or treating door-to-door for the first time. Ryleigh and I had a blast! By the end of the night this street was completely packed with trick or treaters (probably well over 1000!).

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